The Beginning
By tsrk30
I have decided to name this blog Worldview. Some of you may be familiar with that term, but there are those who may not be quite as familiar, so let me explain.
Worldview is taken from the German word Weltanschauung, which means look onto the world. A worldview is the way in which a person sees the world. Everyone has a worldview whether they know it or not. It may be a worldview that has been influenced by things like peers, media, or simply a worldview shaped by many influences. This blog will obviously reflect my worldview. I will post thoughts on things that are happening in the world. I will post thoughts on just about any topic, because everything can be seen through a worldview! I hope the blog will be informative and at the same time will challenge how others may see things. Will the blog be entertaining? That I cannot be so sure of :) I will do my best. Every journey begins with great expectations and hopes, and this post represents the first steps in a new journey for myself. Will my hopes and expectations be met? I don't know, but the unknown is what makes the journey so exciting! :)

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