Friday, March 17, 2006

Theory of Expanding Planets

Here at Worldview I try to post articles that represent many different worldviews. I often receive e-mails either challenging something I have posted or asking what my views are. There are times that I post an article that clearly reflects my worldview, but most of the time I simply post articles that I feel are interesting and may challenge everyone's worldview, including my own! Today's post is no exception. So please read carefully.

Last night on the Coast to Coast radio program that had an intresting discussion on the Theory of Expanding Planets.
the following can be found at:

Comic book legend Neal Adams, who is currently creating a six part series of Batman, discussed his research on a new model for the Universe. His theory proposes that the Earth, and by extension, all moons and planets, expand in size from the inside as they age. The bottom of the ocean is only between 70 to 180 million years old, said Adams. He hypothesized that Earth was originally ΒΌ its current size, and that the tectonic plates fit perfectly together on this smaller world which had significantly less areas of water. 600 million years ago Jupiter was also smaller, he said, and thus larger meteors came into the inner solar system, hitting Mars and our moon (as evidenced by their craters). Further, his notion of a growing universe negates the Big Bang theory, and he outlined how a solar system could come into existence as matter is attracted to a sun's electromagnetic field.

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> posted by Trevor Hammack @ 9:31 AM   0 comments


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